tranSMART ETL Guide

The Value of the ETL Guidlines

This document is intended to be a guide for performing Extraction, Transformation and Loading (ETL) processes in tranSMART. It covers the ETL pipeline on Windows and Linux systems, for tranSMART instances running on a Postgres database. Chapter one in the Dataset Explorer ETL Guide [1] gives an excellent discussion on how to plan and build your ontologies, which will determine how data appears in tranSMART.

Download the ETL Guidelines here!

This guide aims to combine the dispersed information on ETL from various sources, such as the tranSMART Foundation Wiki [2] and the ETL Guide mentioned above. This guide assumes that you have a working instance of tranSMART installed.

December 3, 2015

tranSMART ETL Guide

September 1, 2015

Code of Practice

August 31, 2015

eTRIKS Public Platform

August 31, 2015

Standards Starter Pack

25 default New Standards Starter Pack v1.1 icon The use of standards increases the value of your dataset as they make it easier to load you data into knowledge management platforms and makes your data easily comparable to other datasets that have used the same standards. The eTRIKS Standards Starter Pack Standards Guidelines will be enhanced and extended as the project develops.   left